Saturday, November 29, 2008

Selecting the proper medium

This time we'll talk about yes as the title says selecting the proper medium. However, we would deviate from the previous posts. This post is all about selecting the proper medium that is more convenient for the orgcom practitioner.

You see being an orgcom practitioner is tricky and yes difficult mainly because you have to meet halfway with your client. Unlike other professions in which you can go about your way, orgcom professionals need to strike a deal with their client even if its beyond their likeness or preference.

This is the crucial part: when you dissect it you have to think of four things when choosing a proper medium. Take note: this is based from my personal insights and experience while studying organizational communication. You have to consider: (1) your knowledge, skills and expertise with using that medium, (2) Your client's preference on what medium he or she wants, (3) how the medium can support the content and to its success, and (4) how your audience will react to the medium used.

So in order to select the proper medium one must master to combine all the four things to consider in making the decision on what to use for their communication plan.

On a more personal note, i for example am not really into blogging because i can't clearly express myself through writing that much. Maybe it's because of the lagging time it takes for my brain to transfer my thoughts into writing. To be honest, it's easier for me when i speak. So most of the time i have a voice recorder with me to record my thoughts. I am actually thinking of doing podcasts because i think that's what soothes me more. HAHAHA :))

That's it for now! Til my next post :)


APOLOGIES to my long absence. it's just that i had a hard time logging into my blogger account with my lasalle account. This is what happened. When i try logging in, it will just go back to the log in page and won't go to the dashboard. So there's the reason for my absence.

So now i'll upload posts that are supposedly posted weeks ago. I wrote it in MS word instead while i can't access my account yet.

Enjoy reading the rest of the posts!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Medium is the Message

We all know who said this famous mantra, "The medium is the message." It is nonetheless, Marshall McLuhan, one of the building blocks of media theory. This is a phrase most valuable to every orgcom practitioner. We know this by heart and we live by it. Before we get into details, firstly, what is the meaning of this ever-so-famous quote? Simple. It means that the medium influences how the message is perceived. Interpretation is not solely based on the content of the message but also on how it is being delivered. 

This is very useful in communication strategies since this ensures that the medium is complementary and attuned to the message being portrayed. This minimizes confusion, misrepresentation and miscommunication. 

To explain further, i'll be giving scenarios in which it is applicable. A great example would be the WOWOWEE Stampede. Apparently, the communications manager who handled this used McLuhan's ideal excellently. Their message to the masses is that it is, "It is an accident and nobody asked for it. We are deeply grieving for your loss. We will do anything to help you in any way." The medium they used to say this were Willie Revillame, Pres. Eugenio Lopez, and Charo Santos. When they also held the press conference, these people are dressed down and their make-up (Yes people! It is all planned) are made in such a way that they look tired and did not much have sleep. With these combined, the message had been delivered effectively. Since through the medium used, sincerity has been clearly intensified to the audience - sincerity of ABS-CBN. 

Other examples include, if you want the office to start recycling as the organization's corporate social responsibility program, you should use recycled paper or the color green in your communication materials. This will further enhance and intensify your message. This phrase is a very powerful and it cannot only be used in communication strategies. Every orgcom practitioner can definitely benefit the advantages brought about by it.